17 April
In by visio team
22 December
In by visio team
Smart Image Analysis for Screening Challenges in Breast Cancer Project reference: DPI2015-68442-R Budget: 114.400 € Duration: 3 years Investigador principal: Dr. Robert Martí Marly http://atc.udg.edu/~marly/smarter.html ABSTRACT Background: Breast cancer screening based on mammography (MG) has had a major impact on reducing mortality at affordable cost....
24 November
In by visio team
BiomarkEM.cat: NOVES TECNOLOGIES APLICABLES A LA PRÀCTICA CLÍNICA PER L'OBTENCIÓ DE BIOMARCADORS D'ATRÒFIA I DE LESIONS EN IMATGES DE RESSONÀNCIA MAGNÈTICA DE PACIENTS AMB ESCLEROSI MÚLTIPLE Acrònim: BiomarkEM.cat Finançament: 399.969 € Data inici: 01/01/2015 Data fi: 31/12/2017 Investigador principal: Dr. Xavier Lladó Organisme Finançador: La Marató...
24 November
In by visio team
NICOLE: Herramientas de neuroimagen para mejorar el diagnosis y el seguimiento clínico de los pacientes con esclerosis múltiple Referencia del proyecto: TIN2014-55710-R Coordinador: Universitat de Girona Subvención: 122.600€ Duración: 3 años RESUMEN El objetivo principal es investigar, desarrollar y validar herramientas informáticas automatizadas y robustas...
24 November
In by visio team
SCARtool (Scattered radiation reduction tool to improve computer-aided diagnosis performance in digital breast tomosynthesis) Project reference: : 657875 Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2014 IP: Joan Martí & Oliver Diaz TOTAL BUDGET : 158 121,6 euros DURATION: : 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2017 ABSTRACT Although X-ray mammography is considered the current...
27 July
In by visio team
ASSURE – Personalised Breast Cancer Screening Project reference: FP7- Health – 2012 - Innovation 1 - 306088 TOTAL BUDGET: 5.357.154 € Duration: 01/12/2012- 30/11/2015 UdG PROJECT COORDINATOR: Dr. Robert Martí assure-project ABSTRACT Currently, breast screening is almost exclusively performed with mammography. However, for women with dense...
28 November
In by visio team
SEGMENTACIÓN AUTOMÁTICA DE LESIONES DE ESCLEROSIS MÚLTIPLE EN IMÁGENES DE RESONANCIA MAGNÉTICA Project reference: PI09/91018 TOTAL BUDGET: 100.000 € DURATION: 30/06/2009 - 30/06/2011 UdG PROJECT COORDINATOR: Dr. Xavier Lladó salem project ABSTRACT Nowadays, it is well known the important role of MRI images for the supervision,...
27 November
In by visio team